Azeez Daoud

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I am a Computer Science Engineering Student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. I enjoy problem-solving, programming, mathematics and music.

In my free time I usually work on fun programming projects which I upload to my GitHub. I also like to play video games, read books and play music (mostly experimenting with digital synths).

Some Programming Projects


A Numerical Equation Solver Library for Rust. This library includes solvers for non-linear system of equations using e.g. Newton-Raphson's method and Gauss-Newton's algorithm. It also includes a solver for systems of ordinary differential equations.


A C++ simulation of Newton's Law of Gravitation. This simulator uses SFML to visualise the motion of objects in space. The objects in the simulation can be described via a Lua Script which is passed into the simulator. Here is a video on my YouTube channel that shows the results.


A Rust simulation of Disease Spread with a Python-based interface. This is a command-line interfaced program that takes a file of parameters and simulates a disease spread based on those parameters then outputs the result as a .csv file, a figure or both.


An assembly language and emulator for a small computer. The computer has 4-bit instructions, 8-bit registers and 12-bit addressing. The assembler is written in Haskell, the emulator is written in Rust and both the assembler and the emulator are interfaced with a Python script.


A Computational Tree Logic (CTL) Semantic Verifier. This is a library that provides the ability to define CTL models and verify the validity of formulas on these models. Most of the verification algorithms use modified version of a Breadth-First Search on graphs.

IS1500 Project

A game built on an Uno32 w/ Basic I/O Shield. This was a project of the IS1500 Computer Organization and Components course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This project was made together with Herdi2.

Markov Text

A text generator based on higher-order Markov chains. This is a C++ terminal tool that can construct a higher-order Markov chain then generate text based on it. The constructed chain is saved on disk, making the text generation very fast.


A journaling application built with Tauri, Svelte and Tailwind CSS. This is a desktop application that allows for the creation of journals by adding headers, paragraphs and images. See this video on my YouTube channel for a demonstration of the application.

DD1354 Project

A Unity Engine simulation of coupled spring-mass system based on the force-based and the position-based dynamics models. This project was a part of the DD1354 Models and Simulation course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The project blog can be read here.


A Small Collection of Small JavaScript Projects. I use this repository to put small JavaScript projects and experiments such as simple colour games or a piano with a few key. Check out the deployment in this link.


A Python-based GUI application built with Qt5, Plotly and Pandas to visualise CSV files. I built this application after a request for a tool that helps visualise data in CSV files. It allows the user to query data and plot it as pie, line or bar charts with different customisations.